AEE welcomes the introduction of the European wind energy package at a critical time for industrial stability

The wind industry faces critical challenges in Europe and Spain, despite its ambitious targets of reaching 420 GW of wind energy by 2030 in Europe and 62 GW in Spain, according to the draft National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). The sector is in a complex situation, with obvious problems that contradict these goals. In order to improve this complex situation, the European Commission’s European Wind Energy Package focuses on certain aspects.


Urgent Unblocking of Wind Projects in Europe

Streamlining the administrative processing of wind projects without sacrificing environmental protection, with the aim of obtaining the necessary authorisations at an efficient pace. Approximately 80GW of wind projects are currently stuck in bureaucratic processes across Europe.

Boosting European Technology Allocation

Improving the design of auctions in Member States to maximise European technology allocation.


Access to Finance and Stability in Supply Chains

Facilitate access to finance and ensure the stability of supply chains, allowing the European and Spanish wind industry to continue to generate employment and prosperity in the European Union.

Despite being one of the EU countries with a strong presence in the wind industry, Spain has only managed to reach 60% of the capacity foreseen in the current PNIEC. Moreover, industrial relocation processes have taken place in the last five years.

The situation becomes more urgent as wind targets have been increased in the new draft PNIEC (2023-2027). It is therefore imperative to address the problems affecting the sector in order to harness the full potential of wind energy, overcome the energy crisis, accelerate energy transmission and reduce energy costs in the EU economy.

At this critical time in AEE’s view, the association believes it is necessary to unite efforts between industry, the EU and governments to maintain the competitive and leading position in the industrial value chain of the wind sector.

These mechanisms must balance the situation with the IRA USA and the commercial strategies of Asian manufacturers. In the meantime, urgent measures are needed to support the financial survival and growth of existing industrial wind capacities.

In conclusion, the wind industry is at a critical crossroads, facing substantial challenges in Europe and Spain despite its ambitious goals outlined in the PNIEC. The key focus of the European Wind Energy Package is to urgently unlock stalled projects, boost European technology allocation through improvements in auction design, and ensure access to finance and stability in supply chains.

More information on the AEE website.

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